Good News

Hygiene has and always will be at the core of WaterAid’s work.

WaterAid is not a medical agency to deal with case detection, surveillance, management or treatment, but plays a key part in the preventive aspects.

As a global leader in hygiene promotion and behaviour change, WaterAid is proactively scaling-up its work through government led mechanisms using appropriate means of communication and adapt it with the aim of controlling or preventing the further spread of COVID-19. Promoting good hygiene is one of the most cost-effective health interventions (The World Bank, 2016).

Handwashing is one of the simplest and most effective disease prevention methods available, yet millions of people globally do not have access to clean water, soap and good information on why, when and how to wash their hands.

WaterAid will continue to work on bringing good hygiene to everyone, everywhere.

Not just now, always.

VicWater is proud to be a supporter of WaterAid Australia. If you would like to support the amazing work WaterAid delivers to vulnerable communities around the globe consider a donation.


VicWater COVID-19 safety measures

VicWater is taking action to protect the wellbeing of our staff and members
We have now moved to a virtual office environment